Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Control Mechanisms Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Control Mechanisms Paper - Essay Example Positive reactions accelerate the productivity of organizations. Positive reactions comprise of an increase in motivation among a company’s workforce, an addition in innovation and invention among employees, instill beliefs and values that build the company and an increase in output among others. (Conway, Andrew 42) On the hand, negative reactions are meant to decrease the output of an organization (Scott, John, 1971). The reduction is usually a previous level of productivity that might have been offset and increased to add the productivity of a company. The reduction in output decisions arise when a company’s productivity goes out of hand and becomes difficult to manage. Negative interpretation of a control mechanism by employees may be perceived as lack of independence. Negative control mechanisms that isolate some employees from others may demotivate the employees neglected by the mechanism. For example, a mechanism that separates subordinate staff from the senior staff may demoralize the subordinates and result to low productivity (Scott 21). Negative reactions are contrary to the positive ones as they decrease productivity of a company. Along with a decrease in productivity is a fall in motivation among employees and decrease levels of innovation. Set objectives of a company may als o have to be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Shakespeare skilfully weaves political Essay Example for Free

Shakespeare skilfully weaves political Essay Shakespeares aim in Act 1 is to establish Hamlet firmly as the pivotal character in the play What do you see as the importance of Act 1? Shakespeare does use Act 1 to introduce some important political and personal issues and themes to the audience. It is important that these are established in the first act so that the audience are aware not only of the political state of Denmark but also the state of the personal affairs of the main characters of the play. There is a lot of evidence to support this first statement concerning political themes and issues. The state of Denmark is immediately established as an unhealthy political body. This is commented upon by many characters, either directly something is rotten in the state of Denmark or as part of a general feeling of unwell I am sick at heart. This theme of political malaise is also shown through the behaviour of the King and Queen. According to Hamlet, they drink so much that other countries clepe [them] drunkards. Drinking alcohol excessively is unhealthy for the body and as Claudius and Gertrude represent the body politic of Denmark, this shows another sign of malaise and weakness of Denmark politically. The actions of the King and Queen offer another political issue as Claudius is not the rightful king of Denmark. He has usurped the rightful King by murder and has therefore gone against the will of God and only tragedy and ruin can come from the rein of this immoral king. We also learn in this act that Claudius is a hypocrite, Hamlet calls him smiling damned villain, and he proves himself to be an untrustworthy king. This is also shown through the behaviour of the citizens as the audience immediately get a strong sense of mistrust and unease from the first scene as there are cries of Whos there? Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself The presence of a ghost also reflects a sense of unease as Old Hamlet is stuck in purgatory and therefore cannot rest. Not only are political themes addressed in the first act but current political issues are raised as well. Shakespeare uses Claudius speech to update the audience on what is going on in Denmark. We understand there is a threat from Fortinbras who is seeking revenge against Denmark, but whether or not this is a serious threat we cannot tell as the King is not trustworthy. He makes the threat seem small and insignificant but other characters talk of preparation that point towards what would seem to be a war or some form of military action. An imminent war also supports the theme of political unrest and uncertainty. Personal issues and themes are raised as well in the first act. The most intriguing being the issue of Hamlets personal wellbeing. From the beginning he appears to be a very troubled individual, he starts his opening soliloquy with the line o that this too too sallied flesh would melt showing an incline towards suicidal feelings and depression-not without just cause though. He exists within a dysfunctional family unit and has just suffered the loss of his father for whom only he appears to be grieving for. He says in this act I do not set my life at a pins fee showing he has no value upon his own life. This points towards self destructive behaviour and as we learn he must seek to avenge his fathers murder, we wonder to what extremes he will go to. In this act we are also introduced to a lot of different characters and the relationships they have with each other. There is the forbidden, but passionate relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia. As to the nature of the relationship it appears that it is doomed as her brother and her father warn her against it. This could be because they know the intensity of it as her father talks about when the blood burns and blazes. It could be because Hamlet is a unpredictable character a puffed and reckless libertine and heir to the throne, and Ophelia is somewhat nai ve you speak like a green girl and therefore susceptible to him. It raises the issue and theme of love but at the same time tragedy as it appears doomed from the beginning. Another destructive relationship we see in Act 1 is that between Claudius and Gertrude. Together they are a pair of traitors, Hamlet calls Gertrude o most pernicious woman and Claudius is referred to, by Old Hamlet as that incestuous, that adulterous beast. Through their relationship the theme of betrayal is portrayed as they have both betrayed Old Hamlet by murdering him and through damned incest. As a result of this we learn of Hamlets broken relationship with his mother and the forced, false relationship with Claudius which reflects the on-going theme of appearance versus reality. There is also the personal issue of brotherly betrayal and going against nature, as it is described as unnatural, which is reminiscent of the biblical story of Cane and Abel. And also the devoted relationship between Hamlet and his father which is put to the test as Old Hamlet requests that Hamlet avenge his death. At first Hamlet is eager to do this Haste me to knowt that I with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love may sweep to my revenge but later views it as more of a burden The time is out of joint; O cursed spite that ever I was born to set it right but nevertheless feels it is his duty to his father. A similar devotion, tinged with sadness and disappointment is the relationship between Old Hamlet and Gertrude. Although it seems Gertrude has forgotten about Old Hamlet within a month, ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears had left the flushing in her galled eyes, she married it seems that Old Hamlet still has affections for her. He warns Hamlet taint not thy mind nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught showing that he does not wish Hamlet to hurt or alter his attitude towards his mother is his quest for revenge. Yet his disappointment and hurt is clear as he calls her my most seeming-virtuous Queen. In support of the second statement, Shakespeare also uses Act 1 to establish Hamlet firmly as the pivotal character in the play. He is immediately established as the character who has the ability to drive the plot. He is entrusted with a mission from his dead father and the audience are left at the end of Act1, anticipating what he will do. What happens in the rest of the play largely depends on Hamlets actions. He is the only character so far that the ghost talks to, which shows that Hamlet is an important character and a pivot in the play around which the plot and characters revolve. Not only is Hamlet central to the plot of the play, Shakespeare also uses him to characterise many themes and issues as he is an intriguing character with an added depth that other characters do not have, which is created through Shakespeares use of soliloquies. In act1 alone he has two soliloquies, which permit the audience insight into his personality and innermost thoughts. Yet despite this he still unreliable as he proves to be a mentally unstable character and his actions still provoke many questions. Through this, the theme of appearance versus reality and acting are explored through the character of Hamlet. His supposed ill mental health also represents the theme of sickness and disease that has already been established as a main theme, and of course the theme of madness. Hamlet is singled out through the use of visuals as well as he is the only one on stage wearing black while Claudius is giving his uplifting, motivating speech Good Hamlet, cast thy knighted colour off. This is to reflect Hamlet as being alone in his grief and mourning for his father which also raises the issue of family relationships. The fact that he is the true heir to the throne, and the rightful King of Denmark now that his father is dead, also puts Hamlet at the forefront of the play He is automatically in the centre of many themes that surround this issue of betrayal and revenge. Many relationships centre around Hamlet as well, as depicted in the earlier argument, and sub plots arise from this, for example the forbidden love of Hamlet and Ophelia. I think the importance of Act 1 is summarised by both these statements. Political and personal themes and issues are raised and affirmed and so is the character of Hamlet. Shakespeare does this to introduce the tragic tone of the play and introduce important issues and themes. The main plot of revenge is also established in Act 1, as are the sub plots like the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet and the threat of war or attack from Fortinbras. Characters are established and now that the audience are aware of all this, they are able to follow the action that ensues in the remainder of the play.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gay Marriages Essay -- Same Sex Marriage Essays

In today’s society there are many factors that contribute to the ever-continuing social inequality of people through out Canada. It is no wonder as to why there are so many stereotypes of what is socially ‘acceptable’ and what isn’t when the media is forcing these ‘norms’ into our minds. What is ‘ideal’ with in today’s expectations isn’t always attainable due the fact that everyone is different. One of the most controversial topics being discussed today is view on same sex marriage. This notorious topic is nothing new, however, there is an ongoing debate as to whether or not make it legal for couples of the same sex to engage in a marital status. Although the bond between two homosexuals is ‘different’ from two heterosexuals, the idea is the same: a union between two people. This is just one of the ways in which society is continuously participating in the failure to establish equality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gay and lesbian activist are hoping for legalized same-sex marriages so that both of the partners can receive federal benefits as those of heterosexuals with in their marriage. As of right now, homosexual couples do no receive social security. According to Hector Vargas â€Å"Separate is not equal and same-sex couples deserve the same as heterosexual couples†. Many people fear that if same sex couples are granted the same rights to unite under the term â€Å"marriage† there will be nothing distinguishing the difference between the two marriages and for many, there is a hu... Gay Marriages Essay -- Same Sex Marriage Essays In today’s society there are many factors that contribute to the ever-continuing social inequality of people through out Canada. It is no wonder as to why there are so many stereotypes of what is socially ‘acceptable’ and what isn’t when the media is forcing these ‘norms’ into our minds. What is ‘ideal’ with in today’s expectations isn’t always attainable due the fact that everyone is different. One of the most controversial topics being discussed today is view on same sex marriage. This notorious topic is nothing new, however, there is an ongoing debate as to whether or not make it legal for couples of the same sex to engage in a marital status. Although the bond between two homosexuals is ‘different’ from two heterosexuals, the idea is the same: a union between two people. This is just one of the ways in which society is continuously participating in the failure to establish equality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gay and lesbian activist are hoping for legalized same-sex marriages so that both of the partners can receive federal benefits as those of heterosexuals with in their marriage. As of right now, homosexual couples do no receive social security. According to Hector Vargas â€Å"Separate is not equal and same-sex couples deserve the same as heterosexual couples†. Many people fear that if same sex couples are granted the same rights to unite under the term â€Å"marriage† there will be nothing distinguishing the difference between the two marriages and for many, there is a hu...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 7. Melody

I had to wait when I got back to school. The final hour wasn't out yet. That was good, because I had things to think about and I needed the alone time. Her scent lingered in the car. I kept the windows up, letting it assault me, trying to get used to the feel of intentionally torching my throat. Attraction. It was a problematic thing to contemplate. So many sides to it, so many different meanings and levels. Not the same thing as love, but tied up in it inextricably. I had no idea if Bella was attracted to me. (Would her mental silence somehow continue to get more and more frustrating until I went mad? Or was there a limit that I would eventually reach?) I tried to compare her physical responses to others, like the secretary and Jessica Stanley, but the comparison was inconclusive. The same markers – changes in heart rate and breathing patterns – could just as easily mean fear or shock or anxiety as they did interest. It seemed unlikely that Bella could be entertaining the same kinds of thoughts that Jessica Stanley used to have. After all, Bella knew very well that there was something wrong with me, even if she didn't know what exactly it was. She had touched my icy skin, and then yanked her hand away from the chill. And yet†¦as I remembered those fantasies that used to repulse me, but remembered them with Bella in Jessica's place†¦ I was breathing more quickly, the fire clawing up and down my throat. What if it had been Bella imagining me with my arms wrapped around her fragile body? Feeling me pull her tightly against my chest and then cupping my hand under her chin? Brushing the heavy curtain of her hair back from her blushing face? Tracing the shape of her full lips with my fingertips? Leaning my face closer to hers, where I could feel the heat of her breath on my mouth? Moving closer still†¦ But then I flinched away from the daydream, knowing, as I had known when Jessica had imagined these things, what would happen if I got that close to her. Attraction was an impossible dilemma, because I was already too attracted to Bella in the worst way. Did I want Bella to be attracted to me, a woman to a man? That was the wrong question. The right question was should I want Bella to be attracted to me that way, and that answer was no. Because I was not a human man, and that wasn't fair to her. With every fiber of my being, I ached to be a normal man, so that I could hold her in my arms without risking her life. So that I could be free to spin my own fantasies, fantasies that didn't end in with her blood on my hands, her blood glowing in my eyes. My pursuit of her was indefensible. What kind of relationship could I offer her, when I couldn't risk touching her? I hung my head in my hands. It was all the more confusing because I had never felt so human in my whole life – not even when I was human, as far as I could recall. When I had been human, my thoughts had all been turned to a soldier's glory. The Great War had raged through most of my adolescence, and I'd been only nine months away from my eighteenth birthday when the influenza had struck†¦ I had just vague impressions of those human years, murky memories that faded more with every passing decade. I remembered my mother most clearly, and felt an ancient ache when I thought of her face. I recalled dimly how much she had hated the future I'd raced eagerly toward, praying every night when she said grace at dinner that the â€Å"horrid war† would end†¦ I had no memories of another kind of yearning. Besides my mother's love, there was no other love that had made me wish to stay†¦ This was entirely new to me. I had no parallels to draw, no comparisons to make. The love I felt for Bella had come purely, but now the waters were muddied. I wanted very much to be able to touch her. Did she feel the same way? That didn't matter, I tried to convince myself. I stared at my white hands, hating their hardness, their coldness, their inhuman strength†¦ I jumped when the passenger door opened. Ha. Caught you by surprise. There's a first, Emmett thought as he slid into the seat. â€Å"I'll bet Mrs. Goff thinks you're on drugs, you've been so erratic lately. Where were you today?† â€Å"I was†¦doing good deeds.† Huh? I chuckled. â€Å"Caring for the sick, that kind of thing.† That confused him more, but then he inhaled and caught the scent in the car. â€Å"Oh. The girl again?† I grimaced. This is getting weird. â€Å"Tell me about it,† I mumbled. He inhaled again. â€Å"Hmm, she does have a quite a flavor, doesn't she?† The snarl broke through my lips before his words had even registered all the way, an automatic response. â€Å"Easy, kid, I'm just sayin.'† The others arrived then. Rosalie noticed the scent at once and glowered at me, still not over her irritation. I wondered what her problem was, but all I could hear from her were insults. I didn't like Jasper's reaction, either. Like Emmett, he noticed Bella's appeal. Not that the scent had, for either of them, a thousandth portion of the draw it had for me. I was still upset me that her blood was sweet to them. Jasper had poor control†¦ Alice skipped to my side of the car and held her hand out for Bella's truck key. â€Å"I only saw that I was,† she said – obscurely, as was her habit. â€Å"You'll have to tell me the whys.† â€Å"This doesn't mean – â€Å" â€Å"I know, I know. I'll wait. It won't be long.† I sighed and gave her the key. I followed her to Bella's house. The rain was pounding down like a million tiny hammers, so loud that maybe Bella's human ears couldn't hear the thunder of the truck's engine. I watched her window, but she didn't come to look out. Maybe she wasn't there. There were no thoughts to hear. It made me sad that I couldn't hear enough even to check on her – to make sure she was happy, or safe, at the least. Alice climbed in the back and we sped home. The roads were empty, and so it only took a few minutes. We trooped into the house, and then went to our various pastimes. Emmett and Jasper were in the middle of an elaborate game of chess, utilizing eight joined boards – spread out along the glass back wall – and their own complicated set of rules. They wouldn't let me play; only Alice would play games with me anymore. Alice went to her computer just around the corner from them and I could hear her monitors sing to life. Alice was working on a fashion design project for Rosalie's wardrobe, but Rosalie did not join her today, to stand behind her and direct cut and color as Alice's hand traced over the touch sensitive screens (Carlisle and I had had to tweak that system a bit, given that most such screens responded to temperature). Instead, today Rosalie sprawled sullenly on the sofa and started flipping through twenty channels a second on the flat screen, never pausing. I could hear her trying to decide whether or not to go out to the garage and tune her BMW again. Esme was upstairs, humming over a new set of blue prints. Alice leaned her head around the wall after a moment and started mouthing Emmett's next moves – Emmett sat on the floor with his back to her – to Jasper, who kept his expression very smooth as he cut off Emmett's favorite knight. And I, for the first time in so long that I felt ashamed, went to sit at the exquisite grand piano stationed just off the entryway. I ran my hand gently up the scales, testing the pitch. The tuning was still perfect. Upstairs, Esme paused what she was doing and cocked her head to the side. I began the first line of the tune that had suggested itself to me in the car today, pleased that it sounded even better than I'd imagined. Edward is playing again, Esme thought joyously, a smile breaking across her face. She got up from her desk, and flitted silently to the head of the stairs. I added a harmonizing line, letting the central melody weave through it. Esme sighed with contentment, sat down on the top step, and leaned her head against the banister. A new song. It's been so long. What a lovely tune. I let the melody lead in a new direction, following it with the bass line. Edward is composing again? Rosalie thought, and her teeth clenched together in fierce resentment. In that moment, she slipped, and I could read all her underlying outrage. I saw why she was in such a poor temper with me. Why killing Isabella Swan had not bothered her conscience at all. With Rosalie, it was always about vanity. The music came to an abrupt halt, and I laughed before I could help myself, a sharp bark of amusement that broke off quickly as I threw my hand over my mouth. Rosalie turned to glare at me, her eyes sparking with chagrined fury. Emmett and Jasper turned to stare, too, and I heard Esme's confusion. Esme was downstairs in a flash, pausing to glance between Rosalie and me. â€Å"Don't stop, Edward,† Esme encouraged after a strained moment. I started playing again, turning my back on Rosalie while trying very hard to control the grin stretching across my face. She got to her feet and stalked out of the room, more angry than embarrassed. But certainly quite embarrassed. If you say anything I will hunt you like a dog. I smothered another laugh. â€Å"What's wrong, Rose?† Emmett called after her. Rosalie didn't turn. She continued, back ramrod straight, to the garage and then squirmed under her car as if she could bury herself there. â€Å"What's that about?† Emmett asked me. â€Å"I don't have the faintest idea,† I lied. Emmett grumbled, frustrated. â€Å"Keep playing,† Esme urged. My hands had paused again. I did as she asked, and she came to stand behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. The song was compelling, but incomplete. I toyed with a bridge, but it didn't seem right somehow. â€Å"It's charming. Does it have a name?† Esme asked. â€Å"Not yet.† â€Å"Is there a story to it?† she asked, a smile in her voice. This gave her very great pleasure, and I felt guilty for having neglected my music for so long. It had been selfish. â€Å"It's†¦a lullaby, I suppose.† I got the bridge right then. It led easily to the next movement, taking on a life of its own. â€Å"A lullaby,† she repeated to herself. There was a story to this melody, and once I saw that, the pieces fell into place effortlessly. The story was a sleeping girl in a narrow bed, dark hair thick and wild and twisted like seaweed across the pillow†¦ Alice left Jasper to his own devices and came to sit next to me on the bench. In her trilling, wind chime voice, she sketched out a wordless descant two octaves above the melody. â€Å"I like it,† I murmured. â€Å"But how about this?† I added her line to the harmony – my hands were flying across the keys now to work all the pieces together – modifying it a bit, taking it in a new direction†¦ She caught the mood, and sung along. â€Å"Yes. Perfect,† I said. Esme squeezed my shoulder. But I could see the end now, with Alice's voice rising above the tune and taking it to another place. I could see how the song must end, because the sleeping girl was perfect just the way she was, and any change at all would be wrong, a sadness. The song drifted toward that realization, slower and lower now. Alice's voice lowered, too, and became solemn, a tone that belonged under the echoing arches of a candlelit cathedral. I played the last note, and then bowed my head over the keys. Esme stroked my hair. It's going to be fine, Edward. This is going to work out for the best. You deserve happiness, my son. Fate owes you that. â€Å"Thanks,† I whispered, wishing I could believe it. Love doesn't always come in convenient packages. I laughed once without humor. You, out of everyone on this planet, are perhaps best equipped to deal with such a difficult quandary. You are the best and the brightest of us all. I sighed. Every mother thought the same of her son. Esme was still full of joy that my heart had finally been touched after all this time, no matter the potential for tragedy. She'd thought I would always be alone†¦ She'll have to love you back, she thought suddenly, catching me by surprise with the direction of her thoughts. If she's a bright girl. She smiled. But I can't imagine anyone being so slow they wouldn't see the catch you are. â€Å"Stop it, Mom, you're making me blush,† I teased. Her words, though improbable, did cheer me. Alice laughed and picked out the top hand of â€Å"Heart and Soul.† I grinned and completed the simple harmony with her. Then I favored her with a performance of â€Å"Chopsticks.† She giggled, then sighed. â€Å"So I wish you'd tell me what you were laughing at Rose about,† Alice said. â€Å"But I can see that you won't.† â€Å"Nope.† She flicked my ear with her finger. â€Å"Be nice, Alice,† Esme chided. â€Å"Edward is being a gentleman.† â€Å"But I want to know.† I laughed at the whining tone she put on. Then I said, â€Å"Here, Esme,† and began playing her favorite song, an unnamed tribute to the love I'd watched between her and Carlisle for so many years. â€Å"Thank you, dear.† She squeezed my shoulder again. I didn't have to concentrate to play the familiar piece. Instead I thought of Rosalie, still figuratively writhing in mortification in the garage, and I grinned to myself. Having just discovered the potency of jealousy for myself, I had a small amount of pity for her. It was a wretched way to feel. Of course, her jealously was a thousand times more petty than mine. Quite the fox in the manger scenario. I wondered how Rosalie's life and personality would have been different if she had not always been the most beautiful. Would she have been a happier person if beauty hadn't at all times been her strongest selling point? Less egocentric? More compassionate? Well, I supposed it was useless to wonder, because the past was done, and she always had been the most beautiful. Even when human, she had ever lived in the spotlight of her own loveliness. Not that she'd minded. The opposite – she'd loved admiration above almost anything else. That hadn't changed with the loss of her mortality. It was no surprise then, taking this need as a given, that she'd been offended when I had not, from the beginning, worshiped her beauty the way she expected all males to worship. Not that she'd wanted me in any way – far from it. But it had aggravated her that I did not want her, despite that. She was used to being wanted. It was different with Jasper and Carlisle – they were already both in love. I was completely unattached, and yet still remained obstinately unmoved. I'd thought that old resentment was buried. That she was long passed it. And she had been†¦until the day that I finally found someone whose beauty touched me the way hers had not. Rosalie had relied on the belief that if I did not find her beauty worth worshiping, then certainly there was no beauty on earth that would reach me. She'd been furious since the moment I'd saved Bella's life, guessing, with her shrewd female intuition, the interest that I was all but unconscious of myself. Rosalie was mortally offended that I found some insignificant human girl more appealing than her. I suppressed the urge to laugh again. It bothered me some, though, the way she saw Bella. Rosalie actually thought the girl was plain. How could she believe that? It seemed incomprehensible to me. A product of the jealousy, no doubt. â€Å"Oh!† Alice said abruptly. â€Å"Jasper, guess what?† I saw what she'd just seen, and my hands froze on the keys. â€Å"What, Alice?† Jasper asked. â€Å"Peter and Charlotte are coming to visit next week! They're going to be in the neighborhood, isn't that nice?† â€Å"What's wrong, Edward?† Esme asked, feeling the tension in my shoulders. â€Å"Peter and Charlotte are coming to Forks?† I hissed at Alice She rolled her eyes at me. â€Å"Calm down, Edward. It's not their first visit.† My teeth clenched together. It was their first visit since Bella had arrived, and her sweet blood didn't appeal just to me. Alice frowned at my expression. â€Å"They never hunt here. You know that.† But Jasper's brother of sorts and the little vampire he loved were not like us; they hunted the usual way. They could not be trusted around Bella. â€Å"When?† I demanded. She pursed her lips unhappily, but told me what I needed to know. Monday morning. No one is going to hurt Bella. â€Å"No,† I agreed, and then turned away from her. â€Å"You ready, Emmett?† â€Å"I thought we were leaving in the morning?† â€Å"We're coming back by midnight Sunday. I guess it's up to you when you want to leave.† â€Å"Okay, fine. Let me say goodbye to Rose first.† â€Å"Sure.† With the mood Rosalie was in, it would be a short goodbye. You really have lost it, Edward, he thought as he headed toward the back door. â€Å"I suppose I have.† â€Å"Play the new song for me, one more time,† Esme asked. â€Å"If you'd like that,† I agreed, though I was a little hesitant to follow the tune to its unavoidable end – the end that had set me aching in unfamiliar ways. I thought for a moment, and then pulled the bottle cap from my pocket and set it on the empty music stand. That helped a bit – my little memento of her yes. I nodded to myself, and started playing. Esme and Alice exchanged a glance, but neither one asked. â€Å"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to play with your food?† I called to Emmett. â€Å"Oh, hey Edward!† he shouted back, grinning and waving at me. The bear took advantage of his distraction to rake its heavy paw across Emmett's chest. The sharp claws shredded through his shirt, and squealed across his skin. The bear bellowed at the high-pitched noise. Aw hell, Rose gave me this shirt! Emmett roared back at the enraged animal. I sighed and sat down on a convenient boulder. This might take awhile. But Emmett was almost done. He let the bear try to take his head off with another swipe of the paw, laughing as the blow bounced off and sent the bear staggering back. The bear roared and Emmett roared again through his laughter. Then he launched himself at the animal, who stood a head taller than him on its hind legs, and their bodies fell to the ground tangled up together, taking a mature spruce tree down with them. The bear's growls cut off with a gurgle. A few minutes later, Emmett jogged over to where I was waiting for him. His shirt was destroyed, torn and bloodied, sticky with sap and covered in fur. His dark curly hair wasn't in much better shape. He had a huge grin on his face. â€Å"That was a strong one. I could almost feel it when he clawed me.† â€Å"You're such a child, Emmett.† He eyed my smooth, clean white button-down. â€Å"Weren't you able to track down that mountain lion, then?† â€Å"Of course I was. I just don't eat like a savage.† Emmett laughed his booming laugh. â€Å"I wish they were stronger. It would be more fun.† â€Å"No one said you had to fight your food.† â€Å"Yeah, but who else am I going to fight with? You and Alice cheat, Rose never wants to get her hair messed up, and Esme gets mad if Jasper and I really go at it.† â€Å"Life is hard all around, isn't it?† Emmett grinned at me, shifting his weight a bit so that he was suddenly poised to take a charge. â€Å"C'mon Edward. Just turn it off for one minute and fight fair.† â€Å"It doesn't turn off,† I reminded him. â€Å"Wonder what that human girl does to keep you out?† Emmett mused. â€Å"Maybe she could give me some pointers.† My good humor vanished. â€Å"Stay away from her,† I growled through my teeth. â€Å"Touchy, touchy.† I sighed. Emmett came to sit beside me on the rock. â€Å"Sorry. I know you're going through a tough spot. I really am trying to not be too much of an insensitive jerk, but, since that's sort of my natural state†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He waited for me to laugh at his joke, and then made a face. So serious all the time. What's bugging you now? â€Å"Thinking about her. Well, worrying, really.† â€Å"What's there to worry about? You are here.† He laughed loudly. I ignored his joke again, but answered his question. â€Å"Have you ever thought about how fragile they all are? How many bad things there are that can happen to a mortal?† â€Å"Not really. I guess I see what you mean, though. I wasn't much match for a bear that first time around, was I?† â€Å"Bears,† I muttered, adding a new fear to the pile. â€Å"That would be just her luck, wouldn't it? Stray bear in town. Of course it would head straight for Bella.† Emmett chuckled. â€Å"You sound like a crazy person, do you know that?† â€Å"Just imagine for one minute that Rosalie was human, Emmett. And she could run into a bear†¦or get hit by a car†¦or lightening†¦or fall down stairs†¦or get sick – get a disease!† The words burst from me stormily. It was a relief to let them out – they'd been festering inside me all weekend. â€Å"Fires and earthquakes and tornados! Ugh! When's the last time you watched the news? Have you seen the kinds of things that happen to them? Burglaries and homicides†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My teeth clenched together, and I was abruptly so infuriated by the idea of another human hurting her that I couldn't breathe. â€Å"Whoa, whoa! Hold up, there, kid. She lives in Forks, remember? So she gets rained on.† He shrugged. â€Å"I think she has some serious bad luck, Emmett, I really do. Look at the evidence. Of all the places in the world she could go, she ends up in a town where vampires make up a significant portion of the population.† â€Å"Yeah, but we're vegetarians. So isn't that good luck, not bad?† â€Å"With the way she smells? Definitely bad. And then, more bad luck, the way she smells to me.† I glowered at my hands, hating them again. â€Å"Except that you have more self-control than just about anyone but Carlisle. Good luck again.† â€Å"The van?† â€Å"That was just an accident.† â€Å"You should have seen it coming for her, Em, again and again. I swear, it was like she had some kind of magnetic pull.† â€Å"But you were there. That was good luck.† â€Å"Was it? Isn't this the worst luck any human could ever possibly have – to have a vampire fall in love with them?† Emmett considered that quietly for a moment. He pictured the girl in his head, and found the image uninteresting. Honestly, I can't really see the draw. â€Å"Well, I can't really see Rosalie's allure, either,† I said rudely. â€Å"Honestly, she seems like more work than any pretty face is worth.† Emmett chuckled. â€Å"I don't suppose you'd tell me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I don't know what her problem is, Emmett,† I lied with a sudden, wide grin. I saw his intent in time to brace myself. He tried to shove me off the rock, and there was a loud cracking sound as a fissure opened in the stone between us. â€Å"Cheater,† he muttered. I waited for him to try another time, but his thoughts took a different direction. He was picturing Bella's face again, but imagining it whiter, imagining her eyes bright red†¦ â€Å"No,† I said, my voice strangled. â€Å"It solves your worries about mortality, doesn't it? And then you wouldn't want to kill her, either. Isn't that the best way?† â€Å"For me? Or for her?† â€Å"For you,† he answered easily. His tone added the of course. I laughed humorlessly. â€Å"Wrong answer.† â€Å"I didn't mind so much,† he reminded me. â€Å"Rosalie did.† He sighed. We both knew that Rosalie would do anything, give up anything, if it meant she could be human again. Even Emmett. â€Å"Yeah, Rose did,† he acquiesced quietly. â€Å"I can't†¦ I shouldn't†¦ I'm not going to ruin Bella's life. Wouldn't you feel the same, if it were Rosalie?† Emmett thought about that for a moment. You really†¦love her? â€Å"I can't even describe it, Emmett. All of a sudden, this girl's the whole world to me. I don't see the point of the rest of the world without her anymore.† But you won't change her? She won't last forever, Edward. â€Å"I know that,† I groaned. And, as you've pointed out, she's sort of breakable. â€Å"Trust me – that I know, too.† Emmett was not a tactful person, and delicate discussions were not his forte. He struggled now, wanting very much not to be offensive. Can you even touch her? I mean, if you love her†¦wouldn't you want to, well touch her†¦? Emmett and Rosalie shared an intensely physical love. He had a hard time understanding how one could love, without that aspect. I sighed. â€Å"I can't even think of that, Emmett.† Wow. So what are your options, then? â€Å"I don't know,† I whispered. â€Å"I'm trying to figure out a way to†¦to leave her. I just can't fathom how to make myself stay away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  With a deep sense of gratification, I suddenly realized that it was right for me to stay – at least for now, with Peter and Charlotte on their way. She was safer with me here, temporarily, than she would be if I were gone. For the moment, I could be her unlikely protector. The thought made me anxious; I itched to be back so that I could fill that role for as long as possible. Emmett noticed the change in my expression. What are you thinking about? â€Å"Right now,† I admitted a bit sheepishly, â€Å"I'm dying to run back to Forks and check on her. I don't know if I'll make it till Sunday night.† â€Å"Uh-uh! You are not going home early. Let Rosalie cool down a little bit. Please! For my sake.† â€Å"I'll try to stay,† I said doubtfully. Emmett tapped the phone in my pocket. â€Å"Alice would call if there were any basis for your panic attack. She's as weird about this girl as you are.† I grimaced at that. â€Å"Fine. But I'm not staying past Sunday.† â€Å"There's no point in hurrying back – it's going to be sunny, anyway. Alice said we were free from school until Wednesday.† I shook my head rigidly. â€Å"Peter and Charlotte know how to behave themselves.† â€Å"I really don't care, Emmett. With Bella's luck, she'll go wandering off into the woods at exactly the wrong moment and – † I flinched. â€Å"Peter isn't known for his selfcontrol. I'm going back Sunday.† Emmett sighed. Exactly like a crazy person. Bella was sleeping peacefully when I climbed up to her bedroom window early Monday morning. I'd remembered oil this time, and the window now moved silently out of my way. I could tell by the way her hair lay smooth across the pillow that she'd had a less restless night than the last time I was here. She had her hands folded under her cheek like a small child, and her mouth was slightly open. I could hear her breath moving slowly in and out between her lips. It was an amazing relief to be here, to be able to see her again. I realized that I wasn't truly at ease unless that was the case. Nothing was right when I was away from her. Not that all was right when I was with her, either, though. I sighed, letting the thirst fire rake through my throat. I'd been away from it too long. The time spent without pain and temptation made it all the more forceful now. It was bad enough that I was afraid to go kneel beside her bed so that I could read the titles of her books. I wanted to know the stories in her head, but I was afraid of more than my thirst, afraid that if I let myself get that close to her, I would want to be closer still†¦ Her lips looked very soft and warm. I could imagine touching them with the tip of my finger. Just lightly†¦ That was exactly the kind of mistake that I had to avoid. My eyes ran over her face again and again, examining it for changes. Mortals changed all the time – I was sad at the thought of missing anything†¦ I thought she looked†¦tired. Like she hadn't gotten enough sleep this weekend. Had she gone out? I laughed silently and wryly at how much that upset me. So what if she had? I didn't own her. She wasn't mine. No, she wasn't mine – and I was sad again. One of her hands twitched, and I noticed that there were shallow, barely healed scrapes across the heel of her palm. She'd been hurt? Even though it was obviously not a serious injury, it still disturbed me. I considered the location, and decided she must have tripped. That seemed a reasonable explanation, all things considered. It was comforting to think that I wouldn't have to puzzle over either of these small mysteries forever. We were friends now – or, at least, trying to be friends. I could ask her about her weekend – about the beach, and whatever late night activity had made her look so weary. I could ask what had happened to her hands. And I could laugh a little when she confirmed my theory about them. I smiled gently as I wondered whether or not she had fallen in the ocean. I wondered if she'd had a pleasant time on the outing. I wondered if she'd thought about me at all. If she'd missed me even the tiniest portion of the amount that I'd missed her. I tried to picture her in the sun on the beach. The picture was incomplete, though, because I'd never been to First Beach myself. I only knew how it looked in pictures†¦ I felt a tiny qualm of unease as I thought about the reason why I'd never once been to the pretty beach located just a few minutes run from my home. Bella had spent the day at La Push – a place where I was forbidden, by treaty, to go. A place where a few old men still remembered the stories about the Cullens, remembered and believed them. A place where our secret was known†¦ I shook my head. I had nothing to worry about there. The Quileutes were bound by treaty, too. Even had Bella run into one of those aging sages, they could reveal nothing. And why would the subject ever be broached? Why would Bella think to voice her curiosity there? No – the Quileutes were perhaps the one thing I did not have to worry about. I was angry with the sun when it began to rise. It reminded me that I could not satisfy my curiosity for days to come. Why did it choose to shine now? With a sigh, I ducked out her window before it was light enough for anyone to see me here. I meant to stay in the thick forest by her house and see her off to school, but when I got into the trees, I was surprised to find the trace of her scent lingering on the trail there. I followed it quickly, curiously, becoming more and more worried as it led deeper into the darkness. What had Bella been doing out here? The trail stopped abruptly, in the middle of nowhere in particular. She'd gone just a few steps off the trail, into the ferns, where she'd touched the trunk of a fallen tree. Perhaps sat there†¦ I sat where she had, and looked around. All she would have been able to see was ferns and forest. It had probably been raining – the scent was washed out, having never set deeply into the tree. Why would Bella have come to sit here alone – and she had been alone, no doubt about that – in the middle of the wet, murky forest? It made no sense, and, unlike those other points of curiosity, I could hardly bring this up in casual conversation. So, Bella, I was following your scent through the woods after I left your room where I'd been watching you sleep†¦ Yes, that would be quite the ice breaker. I would never know what she'd been thinking and doing here, and that had my teeth grinding together in frustration. Worse, this was far too much like the scenario I'd imagined for Emmett – Bella wandering alone in the woods, where her scent would call to anyone who had the senses to track it†¦ I groaned. Not only did she have bad luck, but she courted it. Well, for this moment she had a protector. I would watch over her, keep her from harm, for as long as I could justify it. I suddenly found myself wishing that Peter and Charlotte would make an extended stay.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Network and Dangerous New Form

Instagram can be a dangerous new form of social networking. Smart phone users now have an option to download an app called Instagram. Although it is the new, trendy thing to do, it can be an issue. The basics of Instagram are to post only pictures. Users can put a small bio about themselves, but it is nothing like the other social networks where users will post all sorts of pointless information. When a picture is posted, users can put a caption for it and the caption is often followed by things called ‘hashtags’.Examples of these include #pretty, #somuchfun #beach, or whatever it is pertaining to the photo. In the search section, users can search for words or phrases that have been hashtagged. There are choices to â€Å"follow† other Instagram users, but the main issue is that of the user doesn’t want to be followed by somebody, they have no choice. On other social networks, there is an option to accept or decline followers, but on Instagram there is not. Instagram is generally used by people between the ages of 14 and 25, which makes it a lot worse that there is no way to keep away potentially dangerous users.When somebody searches for a hashtag, every use of that hashtag by every Instagram user pops up. There is no need to be following a person to look and â€Å"like† their pictures. Although there is an option to set your Instagram profile as private, only a minority of people actually do it. I have and use my Instagram every day. I love it. I think it is great to be able to only post pictures and to only be able to see pictures that others have posted.My main stream of pictures doesn’t get all crowded up with people posting pointless statuses about their life and annoying political references. I do have negative thoughts about it though. I hate it when strangers like or comment on pictures that I post. I am being followed by people I have never met and no nothing about and I cannot do anything about it. I am sure to only post pictures that don’t show where my location is or put any captions about there I live. I would hate to see some horrendous things happen to users of Instagram because of ignorant mistakes like that.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dynamic Object Model and Adaptive Workflow †Computer Science Essay

Dynamic Object Model and Adaptive Workflow – Computer Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Dynamic Object Model and Adaptive Workflow Computer Science Essay 1 Introduction: Hammer and Champy identify three factors that characterize modern businesses: customers take charge, intense competition, and constant change.Also scientists and engineers require flexible models for process definition and execution. The outcomes of scientific processes evolve as the experiment unfolds. It is difficult to determine in advance the structure of the entire process. Scientific workflow systems must allow workflows and product data to evolve at runtime. 2 Dynamic Object Models for Changing Environments Dynamic Object Model (DOM) architecture stores its object model in configuration data and interprets it at runtime. Changing the object model will immediately result in a change in behavior. Since the object model is represented as data, it is usually easy to change. DOMs strive to represent knowledge about a domain as relationships between the objects that model the domain. They avoid hard-coding this knowledge into the code, since usually code can’t change at runtime. DOMs usually emerge from mature domain-specific frameworks. As developers evolve a framework from white-box to black-box [RJ97], they gain a better understanding of the domain. This enables them to recognize the â€Å"hot spots† of the design- the parts that are likely to change. Next, developers factor out these parts into configuration data. What’s left is a generic system that interprets the configuration data at runtime. Changing the behavior doesn’t require code changes any longer. This approach yields a dynamically modifiable system, where the data contains the configuration information. Users can modify the system without programming and can defer configuration decisions until runtime. When you let users modify the system, you also have to deal with their mistakes. For this reason, DOM applications require user support tools. The DOM architectural style has been successful in domains where the business rules change often. For example, automobile makers release new models every year. Manufacturing can benefit from DOM, but the benefit might not be worth the cost. 3 The Structure of the Dynamic Object Model Design patterns; Type Object [JW97], most important, which separates an Entity from an EntityType. Entities have Properties and Type Object is used a second time to separate Property from PropertyType. Strategy objects [GHJV95] define the behavior of an EntityType. Metadata [FY98] supplies the mechanism that allows the architecture to represent the knowledge about the domain as configuration information. Visual Builder [RJ97] provides a means for the now-empowered users to interact with the object model. 3.1 Properties Objects encapsulate state and behavior. State corresponds to attributes which are usually implemented with instance variables. Changing the instance variables of an object requires changing its code. Instead of having an instance variable for each attribute, the Property pattern uses an instance variable that holds a collection of attributes. Each attribute is associated with a unique key. Users use these keys to access, alter, modify or remove attributes at runtime. Users can add the extra attribute at runtime, without stopping the system. 3.2 Strategy In an object-oriented programming language, methods or virtual functions define the behavior of objects. The most languages do not allow objects to control their own methods. We want to be able to control an object’s behavior. We need to represent behavior with a user-level mechanism. A Strategy is the reification of behavior into objects. The Strategy pattern defines a standard interface for a family of algorithms. Clients can work with any algorithm of a given family. If an object’s behavior is defined by one or more strategies then that behavior is easy to change. 3.3 Type object The majority of object-oriented languages structure a program as a set of classes. A class defines the structure and behavior of objects. Most object-oriented systems use a separate class for each kind of object. Introducing a new kind of object requires making a new class, which requires programming. The Type Object pattern makes the class-instance classification relationship explicit. Some languages permit the class of an object to change (e.g., Smalltalk), but most do not. With Type Object, the classification relationship is at the user level and can be dynamically modified. Of course, simply changing the process type is not enough- we also need to convert the attributes. However, now the user controls the state, behavior, and classification relationship. 3.4 Metadata DOMs represent the reminder of the object model as configuration data, or Metadata. Therefore, modifications of the configuration data change the object model. In turn, changing the object model alters the system behavior. Two factors contribute to the extended flexibility of DOM architectures. the generic part is hardwired; types, entities, attributes and algorithms are universal concepts the variable part is pushed into Metadata; users have full control and modify it to adapt the object model to their needs 3.5 Visual builder One of the main reasons to build a DOM is to extend the system without programming. Users have direct access to the object model. They control the relationships between its core components and the Metadata information. DOM architectures push complexity into the configuration data and delegate configuration decisions to the users. 4 An Object-OrientedWorkflow Model The typical workflow system architecture consists of three components [Hol95, AAAM97, Sch96]. Build-time functions provide support for process definition and modeling. Run-time control manage process execution and their associated resources. Finally, run-time interaction functions provide the interfaces to human users and IT application tools. Usually, a workflow engine integrates both run-time control and interaction functions. The workflow engine handles process enactment. This consists of reading process definitions; creating new process instances; and scheduling the various steps within the process and the appropriate resources. For adaptive workflow, we should be able to change the process definition while the process is running. We should also have a way to change a particular process instance. We look at workflow through the lens of object-oriented technology. Since we are familiar with DOMs in the context of flexible object-oriented systems, we’d like to use the same architectural style and techniques for adaptive workflow and modifiable process models. Creating process instances from a process definition is similar to creating instances of a class. We usually employ the Composite design pattern to implement tree structures. For adaptive workflow we want to be able to dynamically change the type of a procedure. The catalog form of the Composite pattern [GHJV95] uses separate classes for node and leaf elements. To provide maximum runtime flexibility, we don’t want to commit a procedure type to a particular class. Therefore, we employ a variant that doesn’t use a classification relationship. Leaves can now change into composites and vice versa. 6 Dynamic Object Model and Workflow Adaptation First, we need a workflowmodel that supports evolution as well as ad-hoc modifications of process instances. Model evolution is essential for Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). Ad-hoc modifications allow users to adjust a particular process instance to specific circumstances. Second, we need a flexible infrastructure. The underlying software systems must be able to keep up with the process changes. We proceed from the highest to the lowest level of abstraction. We also look at an additional characteristic supporting adaptive workflow, namely the convergence of build-time and run-time environments. 6.1 Domain level adaptation Software has two dimensions: Application domain and contains domain-specific logic Control and data flow (i.e. workflow) and is domain independent Generally we use the same tool (usually a programming language) in both dimensions. This characteristic encourages beginners to combine the two dimensions. Consequently, domain-specific code and control logic are usually intertwined within applications. Inexperienced programmers see (and think in) a unidimensional problem space. In contrast, workflow is a tool only for the control and data flow dimension. We can change on either dimension with minimal consequences for the other. To facilitate domain level adaptation, application and workflow-specific processing should be loosely coupled. However, only experienced architects achieve a good separation. The procedure framework tries to maintain a reduced contact area between the application and workflow domains. Control crosses the domain boundary only from the instance side in the workflow domain, at the level of Procedure objects- see Figure 6. The Iterative procedure type helps us to keep the application domain unspoiled from control logic. This reduced coupling means that changing the domain objects has a low impact on procedures, and vice versa. 6.2 Process level adaptation The workflow framework abstracts control flow in procedures. Type Object pattern in object-oriented design separates the issues of workflow evolution and those of dynamic ad-hoc changes: process owners can modify the ProcedureType, in the knowledge level. This structural change affects all Procedure objects of the corresponding type process users can change the Procedure instance, in the operational level. These changes have local scope and don’t affect other users The flexible composition supports process evolution as well as ad-hoc modifications. The key observation here is that the ProcedureType instantiates the Procedure at runtime, a dynamic binding between a process and various potential implementations. In other words, we don’t need the complete process specification at build time. A procedure can complete its specification at runtime. Alternatively, the workflow system may ask the For adaptive workflow we need adaptive exception handlers. At the framework level, we can implement exception handlers as procedure types. Users change the handlers in the same way they change process definitions. 6.3 Resource level adaptation In an adaptive workflow system resources are dynamic. 6.4 Infrastructure The hospital may decide to replace the relational database used for persistence with an object-oriented database. 6.5 Build-time and run-time environments We need an integrated environment for adaptive workflow. Ouksel and Watson investigate the capabilities needed by workflow systems to accommodate adaptive workflow [OJW98]. They identify the integration of build-time and run-time environments as an important requirement. Chiu and Li [CKL98] also recognize the importance of an integrated environment for workflow evolution. The build-time environment enables them to create new procedure types, in the knowledge level. For instance, a new treatment for a disease may be discovered. Likewise, the run-time environment handles procedure execution. Physicians customize a particular running process (procedure instance) according to their needs. Smalltalk, a powerful object-oriented language, has one of the best programming environments. The development environment is fully integrated with the run-time. A user can interrupt a running program, change the code and resume execution. Research Papers on Dynamic Object Model and Adaptive Workflow - Computer Science EssayIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfResearch Process Part OneThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringThree Concepts of PsychodynamicPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Monday, October 21, 2019

Major Themes in Much Ado About Nothing

Major Themes in Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare’s treatment of love in ​Much Ado About Nothing​ differs from his other romantic comedies. Sure, it shares the same​ stagy plot, which finishes with the lovers finally getting together, but Shakespeare also mocks the conventions of courtly love that were popular at the time. Although Claudio and Hero’s marriage is central to the plot, their love at first sight–type of relationship is the least interesting one in the play. Instead, the audiences attention is drawn to Benedick and Beatrice’s unromantic backbiting. This relationship seems more believable and enduring because they are painted as a match of intellectual equals and dont fall in love with each other based on superficiality. By contrasting these two different types of love, Shakespeare manages to poke fun at the conventions of courtly, romantic love. Claudio uses highly contrived language when speaking of love, which is undermined by Benedick and Beatrice’s banter: â€Å"Can the world buy such a jewel?† says Claudio of Hero. â€Å"My dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?† says Benedick of Beatrice. As an audience, we are supposed to share Benedick’s frustration with Claudio’s transparent, pompous rhetoric of love: â€Å"He was wont to speak plain and to the purpose, like an honest man and a soldier...His words are a very fantastical banquet, just so many strange dishes.† DeceptionFor Bad and Good As the title suggests, there is a lot of fuss over very little in the play- after all, if Claudio weren’t so impetuous, Don John’s rather weak plan to ruin Don Pedros reputation and disrupt the marriage of Claudio and Hero wouldn’t have worked at all. What makes the plot so intricate is the use of deception throughout, via trickery, lies, written messages, eavesdropping, and spying. Back when the play was staged, the audience would have understood that title is also a pun on noting, or being observant, even bringing the deception theme into the title. (The words are thought to have been pronounced similarly back then.) The most obvious example of deception is when Don John falsely slanders Hero for his own mischief, which is countered by the friar’s plan to pretend Hero is dead. The manipulation of Hero from both sides renders her a passive character throughout the play. She does very little and becomes an interesting character only through the other character’s deceit.   Perception of Reality Deception is also used as a force for good in the play, as in Beatrice and Benedick’s scenes where they overhear conversations. Here, the device is used to great comic effect and to manipulate the two lovers into accepting each other. The use of deception in their storyline is necessary because it is the only way they could be convinced to allow love into their lives. Phrased another way, the theme could also be called one of perception, or how truth can differ from reality. Both couples have to discover the true nature of their beloved. It is interesting that all of Much Ado’s characters are so willing to be deceived: Claudio doesn’t stop to suspect Don John’s actions, both Benedick and Beatrice are willing to completely change their worldview after overhearing things about each other, and Claudio is willing to marry a complete stranger to appease Leonato. But, then again, it is a lighthearted Shakespearean comedy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Prehistoric Life During the Miocene Epoch

Prehistoric Life During the Miocene Epoch The Miocene epoch marks the stretch of geologic time when prehistoric life (with some notable exceptions in South America and Australia) substantially resembled the flora and fauna of recent history, due in part to the long-term cooling of the earths climate. The Miocene was the first epoch of the Neogene period (23-2.5 million years ago), followed by the much shorter Pliocene epoch (5-2.6 million years ago); both the Neogene and Miocene are themselves subdivisions of the Cenozoic Era (65 million years ago to the present). Climate and Geography As during the preceding Eocene and Oligocene epochs, the Miocene epoch witnessed a continuing cooling trend in the earths climate, as global weather and temperature conditions approached their modern patterns. All of the continents had long since separated, though the Mediterranean Sea remained dry for millions of years (effectively joining Africa and Eurasia) and South America was still completely cut off from North America. The most significant geographic event of the Miocene epoch was the slow collision of the Indian subcontinent with the underside of Eurasia, causing the gradual formation of the Himalayan mountain range. Terrestrial Life During the Miocene Epoch Mammals. There were a few notable trends in mammalian evolution during the Miocene epoch. The prehistoric horses of North America took advantage of the spread of open grasslands and began to evolve toward their modern form; transitional genera included Hypohippus, Merychippus and Hipparion (oddly enough, Miohippus, the Miocene horse, actually lived during the Oligocene epoch!) At the same time, various animal groups - including prehistoric dogs, camels, and deer - became well-established, to the point that a time traveler to the Miocene epoch, encountering a proto-canine like Tomarctus, would immediately recognize what type of mammal she was dealing with. Perhaps most significantly, from the perspective of modern humans, the Miocene epoch was the golden age of apes and hominids. These prehistoric primates mostly lived in Africa and Eurasia, and included such important transitional genera as Gigantopithecus, Dryopithecus, and Sivapithecus. Unfortunately, apes and hominids (which walked with a more upright posture) were so thick on the ground during the Miocene epoch that paleontologists have yet to sort out their exact evolutionary relationships, both to each other and to modern Homo sapiens. Birds. Some truly enormous flying birds lived during the Miocene epoch, including the South American Argentavis (which had a wingspan of 25 feet and may have weighed as much as 200 pounds); the slightly smaller (only 75 pounds!) Pelagornis, which had a worldwide distribution; and the 50-pound, sea-going Osteodontornis of North America and Eurasia. All of the other modern bird families had pretty much been established by this time, although various genera were a bit larger than you might expect (penguins being the most notable examples). Reptiles. Although snakes, turtles, and lizards continued to diversify, the Miocene epoch was most notable for its gigantic crocodiles, which were nearly as impressive as the plus-sized genera of the Cretaceous period. Among the most important examples were Purussaurus, a South American caiman, Quinkana, an Australian crocodile, and the Indian Rhamphosuchus, which may have weighed as much as two or three tons. Marine Life During the Miocene Epoch Pinnipeds (the mammalian family that includes seals and walruses) first came into prominence at the end of the Oligocene epoch, and prehistoric genera like Potamotherium and Enaliarctos went on to colonize the rivers of the Miocene. Prehistoric whales - including the gigantic, carnivorous sperm whale ancestor Leviathan and the sleek, gray cetacean Cetotherium - could be found in oceans worldwide, alongside enormous prehistoric sharks like the 50-ton Megalodon. The oceans of the Miocene epoch were also home to one of the first identified forebears of modern dolphins, Eurhinodelphis. Plant Life During the Miocene Epoch As mentioned above, grasses continued to run wild during the Miocene epoch, especially in North America, clearing the way for the evolution of fleet-footed horses and deer, as well as more stolid, cud-chewing ruminants. The appearance of new, tougher grasses toward the later Miocene may have been responsible for the sudden disappearance of many megafauna mammals, which were unable to extract sufficient nutrition from their favorite menu item.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Drama- Los Vendidos ( Luis Valdez) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Drama- Los Vendidos ( Luis Valdez) - Essay Example This oppression entails racial prejudice and inequality faced by Chicanos while trying to achieve their American dream. However, Valdez uses satirical humor to depict these injustices and deliver the message to the audience. A good example of such humor occurs when Sancho responds to a customer’s concerns regarding finding a Mexican with the capacity to work for the government. The play is also impressive as it uses locations such as East of Los Angeles, which is suitable for the historical American setting because Chicanos lived in the region in the 20th century. In addition, Los Vendidos encompasses the use of stereotypes in dialogue to convey the author’s intended message. For instance, the dialogue between Sancho and a customer with regard to the maintenance of the Mexican models is implicit of a stereotype regarding Chicanos’ traditional foods, as well as their conventional work ethic. Los Vendidos’ use of both English and Spanish creates an uneven storyline that requires the audience to find translations to keep up with the story’s

Friday, October 18, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice among Hospital Nurses Term Paper

Evidence-Based Practice among Hospital Nurses - Term Paper Example In this light, the healthcare leader was categorical that the final decision arrived at must be premised on available data and the rightful conviction that the decision made will elicit the most optimal patient outcome. The healthcare leader was also very categorical that the foregoing differentiates EBP from research-based practice (RBP). This is the case since, unlike EBP; RBP is a scientific method which involves the collection and analyzing traditional practices that are sustained within standards of care.   The import of this is that in RBP, the care being advanced towards the patient has to have been identified as the most effective. This identification is normally carried out by comparing available research with and the established methods. The results available are thus to change the delivery of care, upon the changes having been deemed medically appropriate. Also, the changes that are being made must have been proven to have the capacity for improved outcome. During the in teraction with the healthcare leader, it became very palpable that he felt strongly about the topic. The strong conviction that the health care leader harbors are pegged on the belief that evidence-based research study will pave way for more efficient and productive services delivery in a medical institution and the healthcare sector in general. This is mainly because, according to him, an evidence-based research study is likely to herald certain values. Particularly, employing the use of evidence-based research studies in healthcare puts focus on health care and scientific literature. All this consideration of medical and scientific literature is underpinned by the need to improve: treatment modalities such as appropriate medical technology; safety and quality (including prevention of accidents, errors, and infections); and exercises (as a way of encouraging rehabilitation and exertion).

The Ways We Lie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Ways We Lie - Research Paper Example ng copywriter, and an author to Companion through the Darkness, in her writing of â€Å"The Ways We Lie,† tries to bring to light the numerous ways in which human beings lie to each other. The lies are justifiable by those who tell while others are not. She argues that every one of us is bound to lie and we do find excuses to get out of it when caught. There are many types of lying, which are to be discussed in this paper, and giving some examples to show how they are told. Ericsson believes that it is practically impossible to live without lying. She even tried doing that herself for a whole week, and she says that it was ‘paralyzing’ and that ‘there must be a merit to lying’. When you lie, it puts an end to the pressing issue or the situation one is in, but others require a series of lies that could go on for a lifetime. If one is not careful, the truth comes out at some point. All they had told becomes null and they get into trouble. The white lie, we are all guilty of this. When we are with our friends, we often lie to them in their faces so that we cannot hurt their feelings (Krentz, 2007). ‘You look okay in the suit’ we tell this to someone getting into an interview room so that they do not panic before they get an interview for their dream job. If we were to tell them the truth at that moment, they may back out from what they were doing and try to concentrate on the not so important details, which may lead them to fail. Men lie to their women almost every morning before they go to work, ‘Honey, your hair is perfect’, yet they have not even given the hair a look at all. Bergen Evans, an English professor said: A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings. Deflection is another type of lying. It is easily visible in court when you make an accusation against someone and do not have a way to defend themselves. The only option for them is to keep quiet until the other party says something offensive about

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Essay Example The promotional strategies used by the companies are essential to communicate with the target customers regarding the products that are launched by the company. The study aims at evaluating the importance of salesperson in an organization and also to understand the effectiveness of advertising a product. The research offers a scope to develop a policy in order to remain ethical in the advertising practices of a company. A good salesmanship is necessary for a company to promote its goods and services that have been newly launched and to create awareness among the buyers regarding the invention (Holm, 2006). A good salesmanship involves maintaining a good relationship with the customers so that the customers develop a brand loyalty for the product. The personality of the salesman should be such that they are successful in convincing the customers to purchase the products and also to visit the outlets regularly. The process of advertising facilitates the personal selling and the responsibility of the sales person becomes easier in case the customers have the knowledge regarding the product (Reid, 2005). The personality of the salesman helps in attracting new customers and enhancing the goodwill of the company. A more knowledgeable sale person is an ultimate requirement of the company and it also increases the possibility of bringing success to the company. The type of sales promotion varies based on the products that are launched in the international market. For example, Maruti Suzuki has launched a new model of car that is highly fuel efficient and it would be beneficial for the customers. However, for carrying out the promotional activities, the company has to train the salesperson regarding the features of the new model.

How Teachers Can Identify Talented Students Term Paper

How Teachers Can Identify Talented Students - Term Paper Example It is imperative for teachers to first understand what giftedness or talent is, in order to determine whether a student is talented or not.   According to  Goodhew (2009), a person is said to be talented if he or she is unique in one or more aspects when compared to other individuals within the same age bracket. Talented students have specific learning attributes that enable them to attain excellent performance in comparison to those around them. Such talented learners often require distinctive education services or programs, which supersede those conventionally provided by regular education programs.   Without such perks, talented students may fail to develop their identity and ability to contribute optimally to society. Teachers should note that talented children that have high-performance capacity usually demonstrate potential ability or overachievement in one or more of several areas.   These areas include particular academic aptitude, general intellectual capacity, produ ctive or creative thinking, leadership capacity, and proficiency in visual or performing arts. For effective talent identification, teachers must work closely with parents, so as to take note of information and observations made both at home and at school. With the preceding giftedness attributes in mind, teachers must commit themselves to play the crucial role of scouting for student talent. This implies that instructors must remain alert to potential talent signs in four principal areas including, intellectual/academic, technical/vocational, social/interpersonal and artistic matters. Chuska (2005) is emphatic that this process of identifying talent must be started at an early age and progress, as the student continues to grow and develop. Such continuity would serve to facilitate better development and delineation of the students’ interests and strengths. Therefore, instructors should know that talent identification is not a one-time occurrence that enables them to declare children talented solely at a particular time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Essay Example The promotional strategies used by the companies are essential to communicate with the target customers regarding the products that are launched by the company. The study aims at evaluating the importance of salesperson in an organization and also to understand the effectiveness of advertising a product. The research offers a scope to develop a policy in order to remain ethical in the advertising practices of a company. A good salesmanship is necessary for a company to promote its goods and services that have been newly launched and to create awareness among the buyers regarding the invention (Holm, 2006). A good salesmanship involves maintaining a good relationship with the customers so that the customers develop a brand loyalty for the product. The personality of the salesman should be such that they are successful in convincing the customers to purchase the products and also to visit the outlets regularly. The process of advertising facilitates the personal selling and the responsibility of the sales person becomes easier in case the customers have the knowledge regarding the product (Reid, 2005). The personality of the salesman helps in attracting new customers and enhancing the goodwill of the company. A more knowledgeable sale person is an ultimate requirement of the company and it also increases the possibility of bringing success to the company. The type of sales promotion varies based on the products that are launched in the international market. For example, Maruti Suzuki has launched a new model of car that is highly fuel efficient and it would be beneficial for the customers. However, for carrying out the promotional activities, the company has to train the salesperson regarding the features of the new model.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Satisfy job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Satisfy job - Essay Example You end up doing the same thing over again and again, and it eventually makes you bored about your job. As a result, your interest in the job starts to disappear and you feel that you cannot be there anymore. While money is a major contributor to job satisfaction, there are many other things that are of similar importance. For many people the main purpose of work is to earn money. It is difficult to imagine life without money, because everything has its own exchange value which money is needed to pay. Payday is the happiest of days in these workers’ calendars. People receive remuneration for the time and effort dedicated to their work. Moreover, it becomes even more pleasant if there is a bonus for good performance or for the amount of work done, as then at least a person can feel appreciated. If a person runs their own business, they are oftentimes satisfied with their work if it has regular profit. If people are paid less than what they think they can get, it makes them upset with their work and discourages their motivation for better performance. For instance, my friend’s coworker always complains about her salary, which is not equal to her ten years of working experience and professional performance. No matter how well and how fast she can finish her duties, she still gets the same a mount of salary. As a result, she becomes lazy on the job. She takes personal phone calls during work hours, and she even once stayed in the bathroom doing her nail polish until everyone could smell the chemical odor from the paint. It is all because she barely gets her salary increased and never receives a bonus for good performance. It is true that a person is not happy when they do not have what they deserve. That is why people who get more money at work are usually more satisfied. The situation is made even worse if no opportunity for a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Independent Basis Service Set or IBSS Essay Example for Free

Independent Basis Service Set or IBSS Essay Independent Basis Service Set or IBSS is the most basic wireless local area network topology. Sometimes IBSS is also called an Ad Hoc Network. The IBSS is a form of WLAN network topology wherein the set of stations are being recognized by each of the stations. They are connected by the use of a wireless media in a fashion of peer-to-peer. In an Independent Basis Service Set topology, there is a direct communication between the mobile stations. There is a limitation in the communication between a mobile station to the each and other mobile stations because of the limitations in range. Relay functions are not present in an IBSS topology, so all the mobile stations that are connected should be within the range to be able to communicate properly (FallsConnect. com, 2007). Another Wireless LAN topology is the Infrastructure Basic Service Set. The component of the IBSS is termed as an access point (AP). The role of the access point in the Infrastructure BSS is to supply relay functions for the entire basic service set. Communication in the entire BSS is already done in the local points and direct communication is longer occurring. Relay of frames are done by the access points between the mobile stations. The relay function of the access point is effective and efficient in doubling the rage of the Infrastructure Basic Server Set. The access point of the Infrastructure Basic Service Set is also able to offer a bond or a connection that will be linked to the delivery system. The distribution system is also considered as the strength of character of the wireless local area network. The distribution system is the one which provides communication in an access point with other access points. The communication goals are to replace frames for the stations in their basic server set, to promote frames to pursue mobile stations as they move from one basic server set to another basic server set. Swapping over of frames to with a wired network is also a goal of the communication in the distribution system (FallsConnect. com, 2007). IEEE 802. 11 gave distribution system a definition that it may either be wired network similar to the 803. 2 or a special point box wherein interconnection of the access points and supply of required distribution services is given. There is a creation of an extension of the mobility range to an arbitrary range. And this is made possible by the 802. 11 by using the Extended Service Set. Extended Service Set is a set of communication for the basic server set. This is where the access points are able to communicate within themselves. Facilitation of movement from a station to the other station of the basic server set is the goal of the access points’ communication with other access points (US Robotics, 2007). The determination of a traffic done that was forwarded to the basic server set is being identified by the distribution system. The determination and evaluation of the traffic if it should be communicated back to the destination where it came from or if the traffic should be promoted to other access points are some of the roles of the distribution system. Access points have been able to transmit communication to the mobile station. This communication was made possible by the use of distribution system. The communication transmitted will be received immediately by the mobile station. The single MAC Layer is composed of the extended set server. Another composition of the MAC layer network are the mobile stations outside the extended server set. In the single MAC Layer network, all of the work stations are immobile. Network equipments outside the extended server set is not allowed to have mobility unless they are inside the extended server set. These kinds of indirection equipped with the 182. 11 architecture permits other network protocol outside the extended server set to operate properly in the wireless local area network where mobility is available and present (US Robotics, 2007). The data link layer of the Ethernet Local Area Network system was derived from the Medium Access Control protocol. The Media Access Control protocol is the one which summarizes a SDU. Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance is the shared wireless media. This is where the MAC Layer offers controlled access. It is commonly like the impact detection access method of the 802. 3 Ethernet Local Area Network. The summary is started with the addition of a 14 byte header before the data and after the data there will also be an addition of a 4 byte (32 bit). The 14 byte header is the Protocol Control Information while the 4 byte is the Cyclic Redundancy Check. Reliable data delivery for the upper layers is being provided by the IEEE 182. 11 MAC Layer. 802. 11 MAC Layer provides security and privacy services to the delivery of the data. Services like authentications offer security together Wireless Equivalent Privacy. The Wireless Equivalent Privacy is the data delivery encryption service for the wireless local area network.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lithium-ion battery

Lithium-ion battery Introduction This course work is related to a new type of Lithium-lion battery developing by a company. This new product (battery) based on Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has great anticipate in production of laptop batteries. This kind of battery have many overcomes on traditional or commercial batteries. The new technology has great efficiency as well. It allows the battery to be recharged in 5 minutes for its 80% capacity, consumes less time for recharging, another good feature of this technology are improves the battery life to 20 hrs instead of normal 3 hours, similarly using this technology a new battery could be developed that will power a family car for 500 miles and yet be recharged in less than 10 minutes. Majority of well known companies follow a process when producing a new product in the market, and they also required discussing various approaches before producing new product in the market , that how a product could sustain successfully in the market. A detailed discussion about RD, Managing Innovation, ISO standard and Six Sigma is the part of this course, because most of new companies using these standards. For a new company to stay in the market in the presence of competitors it need to innovate and come up with new approaches and ideas, the others competitors they dont follow the new ideas could literally survive in the market . Background The first lithium-ion battery was introduced in 1991 for commercial purposes [1], with the growth of electronic devices at that time also increases the demand for lithium-ion batteries, particularly for notebook, computer (laptop) and cellular phones. The weight and capacity of battery reduced with engineering techniques. It was achieved with manufacturing process and the introduction of new separator, cathodes and anodes materials. The most popular manufacturing company (Wee-Energizer) was introduced batteries for laptop in 2002. Their current partners are Dell, HP and Apple are also the leading laptop and computers manufacturing companies in the world. Wee-Energizer used for the first time novel application nanotech for new battery. Novel application has the capability to be recharged up to 80 percent and is capable of holding a very high charge density. The nanotechnology will improve the battery life for a laptop to extend from 3 hours to 20 hours. A recent feasibility shows that the battery could be developed to produce power for a family car for 500 miles and yet to be recharged in less than minutes. The company currently manufactures the lithium-ion batteries known as Nanobattery at its manufacturing facility in Taiwan and ships the products directly to laptop manufactures like Dell, Hp and Apple etc clients . Technology Plan Managing Innovation Managing innovation is the process of adding something new, enhance the invention and recharging. The company will be developing the Nanobattery because of technology driven solution. Adopting this solution will increase the funding of the company or it will boost up the business opportunities to spread business venues related to their business products and brands. The performance of this new type of battery will be very effective and more efficient as compared to the previous one, offer adapting Technology driven solution. Innovation contributes in several ways [2]. For example research proofs provides strong correlation between market performance and new products when new products properly managed and advertised possible to retain the market shares and attract people. A mature and well established product not just comes with low price bus also from a variety of non-price factors like design, customization and quality. The novel application of nanotech to battery will provide high performance and it will allow higher density. It will not just improve the performance and efficiency, but it will also reduce the capacity or size o the battery the size of battery will become smaller in size, reducing the size of these high density batteries are for the purpose appropriate battery casing to accommodate within battery casing. Types of Innovation: There are three types of Innovation which includes Disruptive Innovation, Open Innovation, Closed Innovation, a detailed provided each of them, it will specify which is best suited to our current scenario. Disruptive Innovation: Disrupt the market by introducing new product in the market which is not expected in the current market, since it has low price then other products available in the market, example of disruptive innovation is mp3 players and usb etc. Open Innovation: Open Innovation is the type of Innovation which specify that the company does not rely on the RD department and the research conducted by RD department, but also allow to purchase new technology and material from outside domain and utilized them to create new innovative technology. Closed Innovation: Closed Innovation is the type of innovation, it works reverse of Open Innovation, the companies and an organization relies on their own RD departments and their research. Large corporate companies have their own large RD department. Following are the four main categories of process innovation: a. Product innovation: define changes in products and services which an organization offer b. Process innovation: changes in the way they are created. c. Figure 1. d. Paradigm innovation: changes in the underlying mental model which frame what the organization does. The following show the managing innovation process. The RD department could innovate further the existing technology, the RD department and the people working within this department monitor the technology and monitor as well for further learning and investment in the same area. The company will follow the interactive model to develop this idea and links together the technology-push and market pull model, it emphasis that innovation occurs as the result of interaction of the market place the science base and the organization capabilities[3]. Innovation as knowledge management process It is very important to know the process of innovation, because innovation is the core of business. Two main terminologies can be defined within innovation process which represents the structure of an organization. The two terminologies are technology push (RD to market) and market full( from market to RD). The following figure 1.2 represents the innovation process. Figure 1.2 Product Lifecycle Management Analysis PLM (Project Lifecycle Management is the process of managing used for entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, designing and manufacturing, to service and disposal. This method PLM is adopted this product, this process will continue whereby the process end, this method will start with raw material extraction will collect from Disposal Recycling, company will convert into manufacturing product than the product will be finally delivered to the other partner companies under transportation phase. The three popular term are used in this process cradle to cradle as opposed to cradle to gate where the process stops once than the product will leave the company, the final term cradle to grave where the process stops once the product reaches its end lif a. Conceive b. Design and Develop c. Realise d. Service e. End of Life Phase 1: (Conceive|) will be specified the basic function and data requirements, system boundaries and goals and objectives. In the current scenario the core function of new battery as to improve the battery life for laptop up to 20 hours, congenital batteries are limited to 3 hours, the aim of this project is, the battery should be able to recharge 80 percent of its capacity in five minutes. * Performance: the performance of battery depend on the size of laptop screen, performance of battery is related to the size, battery performance should not drop below 20 hours for 20 screen * Project Risk Management: the primary part of this project is to identify the risk that is related to your current project, risk management is also focus on the future of project as well. The expected risk that are involved to this project are; * The company required new equipments, machines and instrument to assemble the product; the company will losses many in the start of this operation. * If there is any fault in the current product (battery), like it overheat or no functioning properly, it will impact on the end user side. * If the demand for the product reduced, it will impact on the sale of the product * However it is very important to identify the risk at the beginning, risk that involved to the project. The following areas to be identify before starting the proposed project. Insufficient or unreliable data Lack of preparation Lack of resources Lack of control Mitigation: Some project they have unforeseen problems and those problems neither eliminate or nor reduce to reasonable level, mitigation is the process which address these kind of issues in the project, it also avoid and reduce the impact of risk on the project. Mitigation should be adopt by the company to avoid these kind problems and risk that are associated to the project, to avoid such risk with mitigation actions which include; The company should reduce the expenses for instruments, machines and assembly process to a quality third party partner, the company can also save fund that spending on new machines, equipment and machineries. The risk associated with battery of overcharging or discharging would resolve through mitigation process. This phase will pass through a proper testing to check the temperature regularly that the required temperature should not exceed from 30 degree centigrade, if it exceed from 30 degree centigrade the battery will not be usable. The cost of new battery should not very high. The company should split current market of laptop and new technology devices like cellular phones and electrical vehicles. The company should meet new clients point out the benefits of having a lighter with for more capacity an ordinary laptop battery. The company should have backup for power if the current power supplier failure The delivery of the new product (battery) should not delay Process Model The following figure is the example of process model of a product, the process model includes, Raw materials, Inventory, manufacturing, assembly, quality assurance, collecting and distribution. Raw materials: An unprocessed natural product used in manufacture, to be collected from supplier. Inventory: availability of product (batteries) in stock, storing of material in warehouse. Manufacture: manufacturing components that made new battery Assembly: joint working of components and offering a single product or more Quality assurance: specify the quality of product and ensure that t he battery working properly accordingly to the proposed design. Transportation: delivery of product to the end users or clients The above steps defines the process of product from raw material to the end user, quality assurance will specify that the product working properly and according to the desired of end user. Quality assurance and assembly will work together for the final shape of battery. Phase 2:(Designing and Development) In the design phase the battery would tested through various real-time applications and software, like CAD (Computer Aided Manufacturing), flow charts will also use to demonstrate the designing phase or designing of product, proper documentation will be constructed in the this phase. Different simulation software like OPNET, METLAB and etc will measure the performance of battery in this phase, based on this performance battery management will approve the production of battery, the following methodologies are using in the design phase. DFM (Design for Manufacture ) DEF (Design for Environmental ) DFA DFSS DFM: Design for Manufacture specify some various factors and they play vital role for success and popularity in the market, those factors are manufacturing process, cost of product (battery) in the current market , quality of battery and customer satisfaction. DEF: Design for Environment, it specify that the new battery would be environmental friendly and should not harmful for environment. DEF also using the cradle to cradle approach, the new proposed battery should re-usable when it complete their first lifecycle or expire. Therefore ongoing testing to be required before it entered to the implementation phase as earlier mentioned that this process to be done through different software and simulation. Phase 3: (Implementation) The implementation to be started when designing phase is complete, in the implementation phase the company start manufacturing of battery after validation. In this phase the product is ready for clients, also sales in the market, implementation phase based on Marketing Activities, Distribution, Manufacturing method and Supply Chain Management. Manufacturing Methods: (Lean, Six sigma, etc) will be used for optimise of laptop battery production. o Lean Manufacturing: is a model that the value or the size of product would be optimised reduced and less anything that are not required to the end users. o Six Sigma: is business strategy or model would be adopted for manufacturing process of batteries, six sigma improve the quality of product (battery) and remove any defects from the product Due to adopting this strategy the final shape or condition will present with good condition and free of defects. Marketing Activities: Marketing activities specify that the materials to be distributed to the market, support packages also improve the marketing activities, like proper training to be arranged for the technical staff. An annual or quarterly magazine to be published for general and further future information about product. Distribution: Moving a service from producer to consumer in certain sectors, either through direct channel or indirect channel [5]. In the distribution section an organization or company pack products properly then distributor sells to retailers or agents and finally retailers also called (resellers) who sells to end users. Phase 4: (Services) Services is the fourth phase of PLM, in this phase the repair and maintenance information about laptop battery must be update, on the base of customer experience will specify that the performance of battery is good, normal, medium or not good, a survey will conduct to gather information from end users and customer and feedback to the phase 1 that the customers are satisfy, in case of failure of its design or manufacturing, phase 2 and phase 3 will be reviewed. Phase 5: (End of Life) Figure 1.5 End of Life (Modified Life cycle) Six Sigma (Business Strategy) The six Sigma business strategy approach will be adopted for this project. Six Sigma improves the process and solve the problems, it is a very important and effective business strategy using by various companies. Six Sigma are also eliminates the causes of errors and defects or failures in business process, it reduce scrap, improve quality and gain better control process and system. The six sigma approach is based on DMIAC model, each letter in this model (DMIAC) refers to a step and steps are including the following are five stages of six sigma. à ¼ Define: the define stage is the agreement on different issues like quality characteristics, goals and objectives are crucial. à ¼ Measure: Measure is the second phase of six sigma that measures and identify the root causes of the problem, also helps to confirm if the definition of the problem is correct. à ¼ Analyze: analyze can be divided into three further steps, following are the steps that are involved in the analyze phase. o Measuring: is the ability to meet the customer specification. o Design of experiments (DoE) o Identify the root causes of errors or defects and their impacts on the business. Figure 1.6 Five Stages of Six Sigma (DMAIC) à ¼ Improve: in this stage of DMAIC model of Six Sigma, advance tools and techniques are using for design, manufacturing and assembly à ¼ Control: in this stage the process should be managed in order sustain the gain . This will include ongoing measurements. There are different six sigma advance tools uses for the improvement of business, following are the tools: Quality Function Development (QFD) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) T-Test Cause Effect Matrix Statistical Process Control or Control Charts Design of Experiment: Design of Experiment: is most important element of six sigma, design of experiment is the secret weapon of rapid growth or improvement. Critical Success Factors for Six Sigma Customer Centricity: the purpose of customer centricity is the happiness of customer about product, customer centricity is to delight the customer and the product will be measured through customer prospective. Voice the Customer: customer opinion is more important regarding business point of view, it is necessary to hear from customer about the product. The voice of customer will be considered as input and that input will be translated into specific measurable elements. Critical to Quality (CTQ): CTQ requirements are most important to the customer. Control Charts Figure 1.7 Control Charts Causes and Effect Matrix Fishbone diagram and CE Matrix both are used to identify and explore the possible root causes that related to problems. CE Matrix also help to measure the designing of experiment (DoE) phase. Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) FMEA identify new procedure or identifying ways a new product, service might fail. The importance of FMEA is to identify expected errors in the process. It will prioritize the possible failure scenarios; it keeps possible failure scenarios by importance. FMEA generates a list of possible failure scenarios by importance and help the management team or technical staff to prioritize things that can cause errors in the process, it also provide an opportunity to the staff to take precaution measure to prevent or stop the failure scenarios and rectify the problem. It should be conducted at the beginning of the product lifecycle when major changes are introduce to the product, feedback will help to indicates unidentified problems in the process of product lifecycle. FMEA Advantages à ¼ FMEA gather information or collect information and prevent future problems in product manufacturing. à ¼ The process potential FMEA minimises late changes and associated cost. à ¼ The processes of FMEA encourage users and increase end user satisfaction about business product. à ¼ The process potential FMEA also increase company reputation and the company image. à ¼ The process potential FMEA also improve the quality, reliability and safety of a product or process. à ¼ It also reduce the potential for warranty concern ISO Standards Additional measure to be taken by the company for international standard quality and further improvement of batteries is called ISO (International Standard Organization). ISO is the organization for standardization (organization international de normalization) widely known is ISO. The ISO is worldwide accepted stamp or certificate, all registered companies will follow ISO standardization for production of products, and the products will be labelled or stamped with ISO benchmark, which sends a positive message to the general public about quality assurance about the product. As per ISO rules Proper documentation to be mentioned about the products.. The company will follow the ISO 9001:2000 for the production of batteries. ISO standard will required during designing, development and manufacturing phases because ISO standard specify the quality assurance of products. As earlier mentioned proper documentation and customer complains will be recorded to eliminate any defect and improvement of Laptop battery as per customer desires. HR department or technical staff will produce an annual or quarterly report to the management; management will take decisions to address the existing problems with batteries as well as suggest further enhancement. Following are the different standards (ISO 9000, ISO 14000) of ISO, the company will follow the ISO 14000, ISO 14000 is uses for environmental management. The ISO standards and there function is: ISO 9000 Standards ISO 9000 and 14000 are popular and well known standard. The ISO 9000 standard is most common series for Quality Management System has relation to the companys requirements for Designing and, Manufacturing and Developing of business products, following are the main three Quality Management Systems standard. IOS 9000: Define Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001: Define Requirements ISO 9004: Define Methods and Procedure for performance and improvement of business products ISO 9001 Standard: Contains a bunch of rules and procedures, company will follow this standard for maintaining business record for battery production, it is an effective procedure for monitoring and verification, it facilitate the companies for the purpose of consistent and improvement of business products. It also finds error and defect in the product and those errors to eliminate by proper and effective procedure when it is required. ISO 9001 standard is good practice for the quality system and also provides a frame work to the companies, this process adopting by various companies for further improvement of their business products. Due to its better Quality Management System the defect ratio or percentage will be reduced from the business product, this process also play a role for the customer satisfaction regarding business products. ISO 9001 Drawbacks. Despite various advantages of ISO 9001 has some drawbacks as well, following are the drawbacks of ISO 9001. This standard provides only a framework and process for the customer satisfaction. ISO 9001 will not tell you that the problems away or disappear by itself. There is no specific way or procedure to identify that the current product dont required further improvement and does not tell you how to improve the quality. Does not impose a significant overhead, unless no quality control procedures in place. ISO 14000 Standards ISO 14000 is ISO standard that addresses Environmental Management which minimizes the harmful impact on the environment [7]. During the manufacturing and production of some sort of things produce harmful gases which highly impact our surrounding indirectly or indirectly. The company will adopted this standard for manufacturing of battery, because it is less harmful for the environment. ISO 14000 standard is best ISO standard for environmental managing system, which also includes an audit programme. ISO 14000 Essentials (Features of ISO 14000 Family ) The two familiar ISO 14000 family standards are ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14004:2004, both standard are effective for Environmental Management System (EMS). ISO 14001:2004 Standard: As mentioned above that both standard deals with EMS, ISO 14001:2004 specifically provides the requirements for EMS (Environmental Management System, once the requirements meet to ISO 14001:2004 standard provides capability to an organization to achieve the following: à ¼ An organization will have the ability to identified and control the environmental impact of its activities, products or services. à ¼ An organization or company will improve its environmental performance consistently. à ¼ Implement a systematic approach to setting environmental objectivise and targets to achieving these and to demonstrating that they have been achieving[8]. à ¼ This standard will provide assurance to the management of the an organization or company that the process is in control, and activities which impact on environment à ¼ They provide assurance to the company, organization workers or employees that they are working for environmental responsible company, organization. à ¼ ISO 14001:2004 provide assurance to the external stack holders such as customer and clients, the community and regularity agencies. Benefits of ISO 14001 standard Enhancement of environmental awareness within organization Cost savings and reduction in resources usage Improve compliance with legislation ISO 14004:2004 Standard: Another tool of ISO 14000 is 14004:2004 standard provides guidelines on the elements of an environmental management system and its implementation, it also discuss the principal issues that are involved. Environmental Plan Life Cycle Analysis All manufacturing products have an environmental impact throughout their life cycle such as, ( Raw material, manufacturing, distribution and final stage disposal), the aim and objectives of an environmental plan is negative impact on environment during the manufacturing to business product, the negative mean reduction of Carbon protect healthy life, and greenly. Carbon reduction policy of a single organization is not very effective, it is effective when it comes together, carbon reduction is the responsibility of all organizations, companies, public and private sectors and government agencies where they deals with Gas, Oils, and Energy etc. Lack of awareness and less attention from government agencies, public and private sectors about these issues, world now face a real threat in the form global warming. . Our planet is warming up, and not in a good way, the last twenty years were the hottest in 400 years according to several studies[9]. The extreme weather causes, heat waves, wildfi res and strong storm due to the major changes in climate, to reduce these impacts each production companies must have plan for environment protection, changes in climate also Occurs and increases in global average air, Ocean temperatures, wide malting of snow and ice rising global average sea levels [10]. The company will implement the environmental plan during the manufacturing of battery to negate the environmental impact, the company have a set of specific goals from four environmental prospective such as Curbing climate change, conserving resources, controlling chemical substance and promoting bio-diversity. The nanobattery would be recyclable and their life to be extended to reduce the ratio of disposal, and finally the waste would recyclable. Today many companies are competing for greener environment as well as they are adopting new technology and they are trying for suitable replacement of gasoline for vehicles. As earlier mentioned the each product has an environment Impact throughout their lifecycle such as production, use, distribution and final disposal. The product lifecycle can be divided into six stages, each stage has specific goals. a. Development: company will apply technology innovation for the purpose to make it smaller product, lighter and more energy saver. b. Designing: during the manufacturing phase of battery, environmental implications will keep in mind and the product would have impressive environmental performance. c. Procurement: The material to be used for the product which less impact on the environment d. Business Operation: The overall operation will impact reduce environmental i, low gas emission and waste to achieve zero environmental footprint at all plants and offices [11]. e. Distribution: Transportation or distribution also consumes more energy, the packaging material size would kept small in size make reduce the impact on environment, such as rail transpiration and water transport. f. Take back-recycling: Company will take care when batteries come to the expiry date or disposal, company will accept the disposed battery, and finally it will be re-cycling for manufacturing. Intellectual Protection Intellectual protection is the process to protect ideas, invention, patenting is the best for any kind of ideas to provide protection, different technology being using by companies to protect their new product ideas, the intellectual provide copyright protection to the owner, a new technology are using for the manufacturing and development of nanobattery. Unauthorised person would not allowed to copy the subject of owner of nanobattery, legal action to be taken according to the existing law. Recommendations With all above discussion above it would good for the company to adopt innovation process for the success of Nanobattery in the current market today. They need to hire those labours which have good background and skills about Nanobattery manufacturing. The company need to follow the ISO standard for standardization such as ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000:2004 for Nanobattery manufacturing and production. The company need to more focus on the investment over new well-equipment, manufacturing instruments, packaging and assembling Once the product introduced and stable in the market the company have to maintain the quality process of Nanobattery by applying with various techniques such as six sigma. Conclusion: The company using Nano technology for the production of laptop batteries, nano technology is new technology, it negate the implications on environment. It is necessary for all the manufacturing and production companies either they are on the private or public sectors to reduce the carbon and waste emission. The standard and reputable companies are trying and compete with each other to get greener, they are not just trying to get greener and reducing carbon by new technologies, also they are replacing with various tools and new technologies for the replacement of gasoline. Both ISO standards such as ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000:2004 are highly recommended for the production of nanobattery. Both ISO standards specifies quality management and hazardous activities and their impact on environment, a detailed environmental plan also studied in this course work, that how to reduce the impact of manufacturing and production on an environment. PLM and their five phases also analyzed for the pr oduction and manufacturing plan including Lean Management and six sigma approaches for laptop batteries. ISO standard and their benefits also discussed in this course work. References [1] Ralph J. BroddBroddarp of Nevada, Inc. 2161 Fountain Springs Dr. Comments on the History of Lithium-Ion Batteries-PDF[Online] cited May 2010, [2] Chris Whitworth,paper knowledge transfer between SMEs and Research Providrs [Online],May 2006, cited May 2010, [3] P Trott. Book Innovation Management and New Product Development,2008 Perason Professional Limited [Online] cited May 2010 [4] Nikos Karacapilidis,Emmanuel D. Adamides, IMIS Lab, MEAD An integrated IS framework for managing innovationPDF-[Online] cited May 2010